Ruleset "Games Workshops "Space Hulk"
Our group was able to borrow this game two years ago and got to play it a few times. Personally, I fell in love with this game. This game and playing this game can be tense. On the Space Marine side your moves are timed, so you have to complete your turn fast, and bad moves can be deadly. The success you are having can turn on a dime, and that means in the game your Marines are being ripped to shreds.
If on a table top you ever wanted to recreate the scene in Aliens where the Marines are in the lair of the enemy and trying to survive by fire power, this is the game.
When we borrowed the game, it was out of production and the cost to purchase a used copy was around $350. So at the time I decided to make and build a custom set that could accommodate 6 or so players instead of the 2 with the purchased version.
So two years later, my custom set finally hit the table and we got two games in.
We've done some things to try to up the pressure and intensity of the game for the players. The timer is now very thrashy and heavy metal music, when the song is done your turn is up. The room is dimmed and there are multiple alert lights. We've done a few more things as well as liquoring up before we start.
Space Marines
The Bad Guys - Original game uses Gene Stealers, I substituted these pink crazy looking bastards because I thought the figures are so cool.
The Setup
Game On
And here's a video
And, one more vid.